Rebecca W. Loraamm, PhD


Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma Dept. of Geography and Environmental Sustainability


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My teaching has its center in a thoughtful pedagogy where students are guided through the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems and Science (GIS). My lecture and course materials routinely demand the early concepts learned by students be refreshed and reinforced, with these concepts taking on new expression and meaning as they navigate topics of higher complexity. My students are actively engaged in their critical thinking; they are expected to maintain a clarity in perspective on complex problem sets that in turn relies on command of the fundamentals. Ultimately, I believe mastery in these fundamentals translates to the students’ ability and confidence in the latitude with which they may employ GIScience to research questions in their target careers. Generally, I teach introductory GIS courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and mentor future GIS professionals both inside and outside of the academy. Outside of GIS, I have taught a number of undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of wildlife ecology, environmental seminars, and quantitative geography. Below is a list of courses I have taught and/or developed curriculum for:

Courses Taught as Instructor

At University of Oklahoma - OU:

At University of South Florida - USF: